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Thunder Results - 10.14.99

Dean Malenko vs. Blitzkrieg
Fast paced match. Blitzkrieg with some quick moves. Dean with some great technical domination. Dean is dominant throught the early part of the match. Blitzkrieg fights back, but Dean hits a tiger bomb, followed by the Texas Cloverleaf for a submission win.
Winner: Dean Malenko, by submission

Halloween Havoc is plugged by Mike Tenay.

Promo of Halloween Havoc is shown.

A video is shown of Disco's win against Psicosis, that landed him the cruiserweight title.

I missed the first 20 minutes of the show.... sorry guys... I started
watching at the 2nd credit Aaron Saxton of for the above.

Disco Inferno Vs. Evan Karagias--WCW Cruiserweight Title Match
Not a bad match of talent here. Disco had control most of the way and won
things with his charbuster. I kept hearing pimped in crowd noise here and
throughout the rest of the show, and that is VERY annoying. Karagias didn't
put up much of a fight but when he gets his backstreet boys gimmick I think
he will get TONS of heat. Overall a good wrestling match.

Winner: Disco Inferno--Still CW Champion

Brad Armstrong Vs. Chris Adams
They need to give up on BA. The only way he would ever get over in wrestling
is in the WWF as the Road Dogg's brother, and thats about it. This match was
VERY dull and hard to watch. BA gets the win with an amazing(not really) side
rusiian leg sweep. Bad match.

Winner: Brad Armstrong

Brian Knobbs Vs. Chris Benoit--WCW TV Title Match
This may come as a surprise but this was a very good match. I hate Knobbs
with a passion, but he put some effort into this match. It seemed like a no
DQ because they fought everywhere and used some weapons. Benoit got the win
when Jimmy Hart accidently nailed Knobbs witht he mega phone. Benoit then hit
Knobbs with a top rope head butt for the win. Overall a surprisingly good

Winner: Chris Benoit--Still TV Champion

Silver King Vs. Lash Laroux
Silver King flat out has no potential whatso ever. The guy cant wrestle very
well, and doesn't even speak english. Honestly, find me one person that gets
excited when he is coming down the ramp. Anyways, Lash has potential. He beat
SK with his finisher Whiplash, which is a REALLY great move. I really like
this kids promise, and he looks like he could also have mic skills. This is
just a thought though since WCW doesn't give many people mic time. Oh well,
not a bad match, but it was all Laroux.

Winner: Lash Laroux

The Maestro Vs. Dale Torborg
Both new wrestlers in WCW, but we all have seen the Meastro on Nitro... I
have no idea who this Dale guy is, but he comes out in a basball uniform with
his face painted like a baseball in red.... vry unique. The Meastro comes out
and seems to have some personality to him. Overall they are both average
wrestlers, with nothing spectacular, however they both seem to have some
personality. Surprisingly, Dale Torborg beats The Maestro with a rock bottom.
Not a bad match but nothing great. If these characters are developed they may
have promise.

Winner: Dale Torberg

Kidman and Mysterio Jr. Vs. Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly had the entire match in control, but Kidman and Mysterio get the
win after a top rope huracontona from Mysterio. Really long and very boring,
there is no reason for Tough Tom and Mean Mike to have any offense at all.

Winners: Kidman and Mysterio Jr.

A Bret Hart interview follows. Bret praised Benoit for the great match and
said that was the person Owen would have wanted him to wrestle. Bret also
said he would be making a diffrence now and we will see the real reason he
came to WCW. I think with the new WCW bookers we may see a push of some sort
for the Hitman.

Sid Vicious Vs. Stevie Ray
With some help from Rick Steiner, Sid gets the win, and somehow his win count
is up to 128??!!! Oh well, this was a dull match and it is awful sad Sid
needs help to beat the misrable Stevie Ray.

Winner: Sid Vicious

- hhh_y2j      
