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Current: 21 HHH Sound Clips   

I thought I told you to hit the gym FATASS!

Rock, or should I say Crock? Cause that's what you are, a crock, a big farse!

Make your way down here, and get in this ring, and feel my fire, cause you're gonna burn, bitch, burn!

You've gotta whole lot of big, fat, hairy, dimpled ass for us to kick

This is Triple H, right now, I'm hunched over, I'm in the COCKPIT, and I've got my hand on my JOYSTICK!

The fact of the matter is, the four of us are men, and no matter how bad you wanted a set, you could never get them

Ladies and Gentlemen, Are you ready? I said ARE you ready? Then for the Richmond, Virginia, for the thousands watching in attendence here, for the millions watching at home on live television, LEEEET's Get ready to suck iiiiiiittt!!!

Makin' fun of Mike Tyson

For all you ladies out there, don't worry about taking a sunday drive to a mount top lighthouse, cause Triple H has got the tower and its brick thick and its made for a chick!

After you get pricked by my cactus, i'll let you play with my "Prairie Dog"!

SGT. Slaughter, Get you Fat ass out here

My Bazooka is locked, COCKED, and ready to unload

The time for talking is over, Taker get your dead ass out here, and lets do this right now!

Like it or NOT, I AM THE GAME!!

I'll bring the belt, You Bring the Balls if you got any!

Remember that little incident with a Semi and an ambulance? Well, I believe that is called Aggrivated Assault AUSTIN!!

Triple H: I'm not asking you now! I AM TELLING YOU, tell them NOW! Linda McMahon- No, No!

You either give me my slot in the Six Pack Match! Or i sweat to god, YOU will personally watch as one of your family members takes a ride out of this building on a stretcher!

At Unforgiven, I will prove to the world that I AM THE GAME!!!

Last night, I proved it again, to the world, that Triple H is beyond the man, that Triple H is stronger then ALL, that Triple H is indeed the GAME, and a matter of fact is the best DAMN game in there has ever been in this BUSINESS!

Because Austin, I will not Sleep, I will not rest until I beat your ass right in the middle of this ring!

AT No MERCY, Steve Austin, You too, will be going back to Texas in a bodybag!

- hhh_y2j      
