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WCW Monday Night Nitro Results
Live from Biloxi, Mississippi

One week after conquering the Crippler, the Canadian Couple of Benoit and Hart are now fighting on the same side in a tag team battle vs. the TTP and the DFG...also tonight is a Saturn/Mysterio grudge match, Disco defends against the Far Easter, Kaz Hayashi, and more fallout from the feud of the musclebound millennium men, Big Sid Vicious and the Golden One, the one known simply as GOLDBERG.

Show opens with a three bell tribute to Gorilla Monsoon.

Outside the arena, Hart and Benoit have to be restrained from the smack-talking duo of the Total Package, and his valet, the hot package, Miss Elizabeth.

Heenan, noticeable upset, says a few kind words about Monsoon, and has a hard time getting back into character for the opening monologue.

Backstage, Malenko confronts Saturn about what happened last week. Saturn says that his attack on Mysterio was simply self defense, as he saw Mysterio coming right for him...

First Match: Perry Saturn vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. It's the bald bombshell against the blonde babyface...Saturn's power dominates early on against Rey Rey's aerial assault. Saturn catches Rey in the air, reverses him, and powerbombs him into the first commercial break. Rey fights back and eventually nails the ruff buster..err bronco ryder...whatever the hell they're calling it this week. Rey tries to come off the top rope, but gets caught and looks like fresh meat for the DVD, but Rey reverses into a sunset flip, which starts a succession of near pinfalls by both men. Following that spot, both men take each other out, Saturn gets up first and goes to the top buckle, but Rey Rey gets a frankensteiner. Shane Douglas runs out and goes for his hit-em-in-the-head-with-a-chain finisher, but Malenko comes out and breaks it up. Kidman runs out to protect Mysterio, but ends up getting the match thrown out. Kidman grabs the mic and challenges Douglas to a tag match right now, but Kidman obviously isn't a internet fan, or he would know that Shane has torn his bicep. Kidman needs to get his info from so he wouldn't look like a long-haired goof on national tv. Winner: Saturn by DQ

A video package is shown of Meng, who is returning to Nitro tonight. Backstage, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are watching it and commenting on how Meng is the real deal.

Second Match: Disco Inferno vs. Kaz Hayashi WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Mostly boring match, with little to no crowd interest, best part comes when Disco asks Tony and Bobby if the match is being shown in Japan, then rams Hayashi into the broadcast position, prompting Tony to look at Kaz with a silly grin on his face and ask..."Hard table, huh?" Disco gets the win after a flurry of offense and then finishing up with the Last Dance, which has been modified ever so slightly by taking the kick-to-the-gut-setup. Winner: Disco Inferno retains the Cruiserweight Belt by pinfall

Third Match: Meng vs. Konnan WCW Mayhem Match of the Week Kinda funny that this is the MMOTW, considering you can't play as Meng in the game..Meng gets Konnan down and keeps him down early with some big meaty kicks, giving us viewers at home many shots of K-dawgs plaid boxers. Yay. Konnan fights out of the corner and takes Meng down. Konnan gets a little too excited and gets caught up in the Tongan Death Grip, but finds the ropes. After some offense from both sides, Konnan sends Meng into the buckle, and tries to flip him over for the pin, but Meng fights it off, applies the death grip again while sitting on the big K- dogg for the necessary three seconds Winner: Meng wins by pinfall

Backstage, BA gets jumped by Berlyn and his Bodyguard. Berlyn begins to ramble in German at Armstrong. I don't know a whole lot of German, but I think he was saying something about getting a new gimmick so he could get rid of that ridiculous haircut. BA grabs the cane from Berlyn and whacks him with it, prompting security to finally step in and save the Aryan Bullies.

Up in the stands, making their way to their seats come the new fan favorites, the Outsiders. Heenan grabs the talking stick and approaches the duo..Hall has got a fine woman, and Nash reiterates that he's still retired, and Hall says his back hurts from carrying the company on it. Nash wishes Dusty Rhodes a happy birthday, states that he's getting the band back together, and that they will make their return in July 2012. I'm guessing that was sarcastic...

Fourth Match: Bill Goldberg vs. Horace Hogan As Billy boy makes his way to the ring for his latest stop on his second jobber world tour, Sid steps in his way and makes some comments about how Goldy can't touch him yet. Security prevents the two from shaking hands and talking about golf scores. Horace must be a vegatarian, since he's eating a sqaush so far. Following a brief spurt of moves from Hogan the younger, and balder, Goldberg hits the spear, pauses so the photographer can get a still photo, then, as gently as he knows how, hits the jackhammer, sending Big Horace to an early dirt nap. Winner: Bill Goldberg wins by pinfall

Mean Gene Okerlund Interview: Hulk Hogan Mean Gene comes right out and addresses the rumor of Hogan leaving WCW. Hogan says he didn't come here to talk about that, but that he is going to kick Sting's ass at Halloween Havoc. He says that when he started wrestling that the red and gold ran wild, and that when he goes out, it will be on his terms with the red and gold running wild. Hulk's music starts up, he tells them to cut the damn music, and says he hopes the guys in the back are listening, because at Halloween Havoc, he's going to have the last laugh.

Mean Gene brings out Kimberly for this week's Nitro Girl contest...damn, you can't go wrong with this week's contestants, but I'll bet #1 takes the votes...

Backstage, Torrie is wiping lipstick off of Kidman's face, when David Flair comes in and his face turns redder than the shirt on his back. He asks Torrie what's going on, and she says she doesn't have time for him, and tells him to go talk to daddy.

Fifth Match: Brian Knobbs w/Jimmy Hart & Hugh Morrus vs. Stevie Ray w/Booker T Street Fight Rules Match It's WCW's return to hardcore...Knobbs tries to get the trash can involved early, attempting to splash Stevie with it off the top buckle..Stevie dives out of the way, causing Knobbs to stun himself on the can, which isn't helped by the chairshots Stevie tosses his way. Knobbs gets put headfirst into the trash can, then nailed by Stevie Ray. Outside the ring, Booker is chairshotting the hell out of Hugh Morrus, which gets the ref's attention. Back in the ring, Stevie Ray has Knobbs down for the count but the ref is still outside, which allows Big Jimmy Hart to get in and introduce Stevie Ray to his new accessory, the garbage can (anyone remember the megaphone?) With Stevie knocked out, Hart lays Knobbs across him for the three count. Winner: Brian Knobbs win by pinfall & trashcan

Shane Douglas comes out, demands that the crowd shuts up and sits down. The Franchise then demands that the rest of the Revolution come out so they can air their dirty laundry. Douglas asks Malenko why he didn't get involved in Saturn's match earlier, and why Benoit showed up and is tagging with Bret Hart tonight. Benoit tells Douglas to basically shut his piehole, then rips off his fancy revolution tshirt and beans Douglas with it. Saturn gets pissed and tells Douglas that he needs to think before he speaks. Malenko gets the mic, says that he will still stand in the corner with Saturn in their tag match tonight against the Filthy Animals, but that he is going to take it back the way the Revolution originally intended to. Saturn and Malenko stalk off to the back, leaving Douglas on the entryway alone, wondering what the score is in Monday Night Football, with a dazed look on his face.

Sixth Match: La Parka vs Brad Armstrong Parka has got some freaky halloween skull mask on, as well as a pair of skull studded shoulder pads I want to get at the local costume store, if they didn't cost a hundred damn dollars. A few minutes into the match, Berlyn makes his way out to a big heel reaction from the crowd. La Parka accidentally knocks the ref out, and goes out of the ring by the Bodyguard. Parka tries to eliminate the bodyguard with the chair, but B-Guard takes Parka out with a couple chairshots, then rolls him back into the ring. Berlyn hits BA with the neckbreaker, but BA sprawls out on top of Parka and gets the win. Winner: Brad Armstrong

Backstage, Curt Hennig is trying to pick up on Torrie, when little boy Flair shows up and tries to talk to her. Hennig gets mad at Flair's apparent attempts to steal his sunshine, since Hennig wants some mud for his turtle too. Hennig beats Flair down with the help of Curly Bill, then tries to catch up to Torrie, who walked off during the altercation.

Seventh Match: Norman Smiley vs. Berlyn It's tall, dark, and handsome in a battle against skinny, pale, and poorly dressed. Tony announces that Brad Armstrong vs. Berlyn has been added to Halloween Havoc. Crowd starts a USA chant, Smiley almost returns the favor by calling for the big wiggle, but then decides it's not time for it yet. Smiley deflects Berlyn's top rope maneuver with his foot, dishes out a few bodyslams, then demonstrates the Big Wiggle, highlighted by WCW cameras NOT pulling away...Out of nowhere, Berlyn lands the reverse neckbreaker and gets the pin. Winner: Berlyn by pinfall

Mean Gene Okerlund brings out the Nature Boy for some commentary...Flair calls out Hennig for a match later tonight, then says that if Kimberly is tired of the 2-time, 2-time champ, perhaps she'd like a shot at the 14-time champ...Just read that while taking off your clothes one piece at a time, elbow-dropping your floor, and saying Whoo a lot, then you'll get an idea what went on in the ring. At least he's got better taste, Kim is a bit of a step up from Asya...

Eighth Match: Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn w/Shane Douglas vs. Kidman & Rey Mysterio, Jr. Every time Douglas tries to interfere in the match, Malenko keeps it from happening. Revolution has the early control. Great match, crowd is really into this one...Malenko and Saturn argue with each other throughout the entire match...following a huge gutbuster, Malenko puts Mysterio into the Cloverleaf, but Saturn tags Dean's back and comes in. After going for the pin, Saturn tags Malenko back in, who promptly superplexes Rey Rey. Both men tag out, Kidman starts to clean house. Mysterio frankensteiner's Saturn off the top, Kidman covers, Malenko saves. Kidman goes up top for the Press, Douglas breaks it up, tosses the chain in to Saturn, who pegs Kidman and covers for the win. Postmatch, Dean sees the replay, tears up his Revolution t-shirt and leaves the ring.

Ninth Match: Van Hammer vs. Sid Vicious WCW US Heavyweight Title Match After a few minutes of knocking the dust off of Hammer, Rick Steiner finally comes down, bulldog's Hammer, and gets an assist on the powerbomb, as the Vicious one hurtles towards his date with destiny (though he'd probably rather have a date with Chastity...) Winner: Sid retains the US Heavyweight Belt by pinfall

Highlights of last week's Hart/Benoit match are shown

The newest Dustin Rhodes video is shown, with this one actually showing him...face is covered in all white makeup, dressed in all black, looking a little bit like Michael Meyers from the Halloween movies...

Tenth Match: Curt Hennig w/Curly Bill vs. Ric Flair All the punches, chops, and low blows you'd typically expect from Flair, and the moves and strength of Hennig...Flair locks on the figure four at one point, but Hennig gets a hold of the ropes. While Flair is taking on Curly Bill, Hennig tries to steal the win by putting his feet on the ropes during a pin attempt. Curly Bill helps out by holding down the feet...David Flair runs out and disrupts that teamwork and Mr. Perfect, allowing Flair to sneak in a roll-up for the three count. Winner: Ric Flair by pinfall

Eleventh Match: Bret Hart & Chris Benoit vs. The Total Package and Rick Steiner Main Event In a total disregard for rules and regulations, all four men start the brawl in the ring. Hart and Package head outside while Benoit and Steiner get in on inside. Benoit slaps on the crossface, but Package makes the save...following a spot, Benoit is down, and Hart takes out both men with a clotheslines. Package gets Hart in a full nelson, Steiner tries to come off the ropes but Benoit stops him. Benoit goes off the top buckle for the head butt, but Sid runs in to make the save. Ref throws out the match, but Sid, Package, and Steiner go towork on Benoit...with Benoit out, package goes to rack Hart, but in comes Goldberg...Package runs off, Steiner gets speared, and Sid grabs the mic and reminds Goldberg that if he touches him, he loses his shot at Havoc. Goldberg steps halfway out of the ring, but turns around and lays out Sid with a huge spear. Nitro ends once more putting Goldberg least WCW knows who it's biggest name is... Winner: Bret Hart & Chris Benoit by disqualification

- hhh_y2j      
